I saw that quote today and really liked it. Gonna try harder.
Hello! I can’t believe it is already Wednesday! I’ve been horribly neglecting my blog and my thousands of readers! I apologize – but I’ve been busy.
Last weekend I went with a good friend to NYC! She has always wanted to see the New York Yankees play in Yankee Stadium, AND I love to travel AND its only an hour and a half flight for me AND it has been too long since we’ve done anything together…SO it worked out perfectly! It was nice to re-connect with a bestie from college. Our trip was fun and we spent it sober?!!! What the? Spring Break ‘96, this would not have been the case, I guess we’re growing up. Crap.
We had a great time! We went on several tours – saw all the sights – became subway experts – ate lots of street meat - walked about 100 miles - and went to a couple of baseball games….
This was one of my friend's 'Bucket List' items(back in the day we called it "things to do before we die" list...but that is a whole other post) and it was really fun to see her so excited! She barely took her eyes off of the game and even withstood the 'Bleacher Creatures' yelling at her while I left to go get a bag of popcorn and a beer. (and a pretzel and a beer and and look for a Nathans hotdog)
Have you ever heard of the “Bleacher Creatures”?
I hadn’t either. Until…
…we sat in section 203 in Yankee Stadium. They are a group of fans of the New York Yankees who are known for their strict allegiance to the team and their merciless attitude to opposing fans (as quoted from Wiki).
They are very entertaining!! They do a roll-call at every single home game where they get every single player on the field (except the pitcher and catcher) to acknowledge them, they will actually continue chanting until they are acknowledged. Some players wave - some nod - and one flexed! That.was.way.cool. and we got to be a part of it! (except I didn’t know all of the players’ names and had to pretend to yell for them) They have all of these great traditions and cheers. One even polished her bleacher seat before she sat down, another spent most of his time flipping off the scoreboard because the Yanks were down substantially. (and he hated A-Rod) Bald Vinnie led the cheers and you could hear him across the stadium.
Side note: Miller Lites at Yankee Stadium cost $10! BUT, you get this awesome souvenir cup.
$10 will get you this sweet-ass cup. Half full of foam and half full of flat Miller Lite. I was in Heaven.
Next we went on an awesome Night on the Town tour! I highly recommend it. We went all over the city, by bus, then caught a Water Taxi and cruised around the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and got a fantastic view of the NYC Skyline..oh and spent most of the night chasing our super-fast tour guide, Bonnie. It seemed like she was trying to ditch us. We ended the night with dinner in Little Italy and a trip to the "Top of the Rock"! (where both of our cameras promptly ran out of batteries!)
We also took a double-decker bus tour around Manahttan & Harlem. It was interesting, but we had a tough time understanding our tour guides, so we mainly hung out in Central Park. It is a beautiful place and New Yorkers are lucky to have a nice getaway from the chaos!
The Subway was a whole new world all in itself! We only took Taxis a couple of times and took the subway the rest of the time. With our trusty maps in hand - we easily navigated the bowels of NYC. (and, yes, that's how it smelled)
Nope - no tourists here.
A few other highlights of our trip:
Thousands of tourists flock to this guy every day....so...I made the most of it!
To: Me
With Love From: Me
FAO Swartz Was Awesome!
We had a great trip! It was especially nice to spend time with a great friend and have an adventure together.
BUT - after being around all of those people for a couple of days, it was really nice to get back to the backwoods of the 'Tucky and take in the countryside.
Cheers to Big Cities, small towns, stinky subways, baseball, and most of all Good Friends!
And - Oh Yah - shopping in China Town = an Authentic Fake Louis Vitton bag!
I call it my 'Screwey-Lewey'