1. I resumed my laser tattoo removal...
When I was about 18 years old and 1 minute - I did what most small town Montana girls do when they leave home - I ran out and got a dolphin on my ankle.
I miss 1994 more than you can imagine! But now would rather have the memories of being blacked out on jungle juice and trying to make it to class the next morning and gaining the freshman 20 30 than a permanent inked in memory.
I know, I know, I should have thought of this back then. BUT - I didn't.
I had only been to the ocean once - was (and still am) pretty timid of the water - and had never even seen a dolphin in real life. (I still have never seen one). But I HAD to have this beautiful sea creature on my ankle to symbolize my freedom, duh.
No disrespect to the dolphins out there - I still love ya, I hope I see you one day in real life but have no desire to swim with you or have you on my ankle.
Honestly, this feels like its my 100th treatment. This has been a really long process. I started getting laser tat removal in Texas in the summer of 2011. I went around 10-12 times (at $70-90 a pop!) The first several times it was SO PAINFUL but then it got easier and easier. The laser basically blasts each layer of ink into tiny particles and then your body naturally sluffs it off until its gone. You are supposed to get treatment every 4-8 weeks and they cannot guarantee that the tattoo will be fully removed. Low and behold Green and Blue colors are really tough to remove.
Well, guess what....
A dolphin jumping out of the ocean on your ankle has lots of friggin' green and blue in it. Who'da thought?
Well, because it was such a long process - I went ahead and took the last 9 months or so off. #1 - I was sick of it and opted to spend my money on clothing and hair products & #2, I was living in the backwoods of Kentucky and didn't even attempt to find a reputable place to keep up with treatments.
After being stuck with a half-ass removed tattoo for the past several months - I decided it was go time. Time for the dolphin to go time. I went to a place called Skin Specialists, PC. www.lovelyskin.com They were really nice there and it was much like a legit Doctor's office.
We opted to do a 'Stacked Treatment' which is 4 treatments at once. They numbed my cankle with about what felt like 50 shots and went to town. I didn't feel a thing. Until now. Eek - it hurts and I am afraid to take the bandaid off for fear of it being a dolphin-shaped scar. I hope it works. I'll keep you posted.
#2 This is random, but I feel like I have to share it because it was a big moment for me - 28 CD's and 33 1/2 hours later, I finally finished the Game of Thrones Audio Book. Holy shit that took a lot of commitment and car time. I NEVER would have read the actual book. It is way too thick and definitely not enough toilet humor to keep me rolling - but the book on CD was fantastic. The narrator even did voices! I miss it already! I am back to the boring old country station listening. I would much rather listen to fighting over kingdoms.
I usually don't get into fantasy at all - but highly recommend it if you have some car time coming up in your near future. I am debating wether or not to get the next one - I probably will.On a side note: I think Prince Jeoffery is a little prick for be-heading Edard Stark.
FINALLY - if you get a chance, watch Kanye's new video and tell me if you love it as much as I do.
WTF was that?
Cheers to being 18 and dumb - Castles and Kingdoms - and not to Kanye and Kim's video!
Happy Thursday - I'm off to the treadmill!