I hope you had a very productive weekend.
I sure did.
I finally got on the Scandal bandwagon.
And watched seasons 1, 2, & 3. Episode after episode after episode....I spent my Friday night, Saturday and part of Sunday all strung out over this show. I couldn't get enough. I'm not sure if I even drank any water yesterday. I know I didn't shower, comb my hair or change out of my sweats.
So, here I sit, thinking I'm Olivia Pope.
I have a Scandal hangover.
Anyway, great show. Watch it. Can't wait for next season. I'm not sure how I am going to handle watching weekly episodes like a regular person.
Side note: I want one I each of everything from her closet!! I am still questioning when she has time to shop or get manicures with her busy schedule making out with the President and solving problems. In all 40 some consecutive episodes that I watched, she didn't go shopping once and managed to keep her nails perfect. She also apparently has a closet full of ball gowns just in case she has a formal event to attend....a woman after my own heart.
Ok, enough about Scandal, I could talk about it for days....on to the next thing....just watch it.
Stitch Fix
My Stitch Fix came in yesterday!! If you go to www.stitchfix.com you can see the details.
Basically you sign up to get a shipment of clothing once a month customized just for you. You have to take an online survey so the stylists at Stitch Fix know your style. (It's easy an quick).
You don't have to keep everything and your monthly membership of $20 goes towards your purchases. Whatever you do not want, you package up in a pre-paid envelope, drop it in a US mailbox and send it back.
It was pretty fun to get everything and try them all on. I ended up getting a pair of black leggings and a red blouse.
I was surprised that I liked the leggings, I'm not a 'leggings' type of person....but they were a really nice fabric and didn't show my ass imperfections. (hail damage). They fit really nice and will look good with boots this winter or flats this summer.
The stylists even send you a little card with each piece, giving you outfit ideas. (Sort of like all of those pins you see on Pinterest)
The items that I didn't go with were a navy blue and black dress....
I really wanted it to work, I was just a touch too short and I was too tall for it. The tie sat just below my boobs, so it looked odd.
Finally a super cute polka dot sweater. I'm really into polka dots right now, so the style match was right on....but it was way too tight in the boobs!! You could see my bra right through it. Which is good for the club, but not the office.
Everything that I didn't keep, I wrote a review online of why I didn't like or keep it. In general, everything ran pretty small in size. That was disappointing to my self-esteem. I thought getting strung out over a TV drama and forgetting to eat over the weekend would help the clothes fit a little better...but to my disappointment....it didn't work. ;)
Anyway, all if the reviews I read said that when you give some feedback on the pieces, your next 'fix' will be much better. So I signed up for another in January. I'll let you know how it goes, I'm sure you'll be on the edge of your seats.
The other neat thing that I forgot to mention is that the stylist sends you a personal note that tells why they selecte the styles for you. It's pretty neat and similar to having your own personal stylist. (I bet Olivia Pope has a personal stylist)
Overall, it was fun, pricing wasn't much different than my regular shopping habits, the style matched mine and it was easy. Definitely worth giving it a try if you like to shop.
Enjoy your week!! I will be spending the week detoxing from Scandal and crying myself to sleep at night because I have to wait for next season.
Other than that, cheers to a fantastic week ahead!!
Side note: all views and opinions expressed in this post are my own. This is not sponsored by ABC or Stitch fix. ;)