Today I'm going to tell you a few dirty little secrets that you probably don't know about me:
1. I drink tap water and don't even think twice about it (except if there is some weird warning on the news saying not to drink it)
2. I can't stand anti-bacterial gel hand sanitizer. I have it in my head (or I might have read it somewhere) that some bacterias may be good for you and anti-bac kills everything, good and bad, thus making everyone in the world sick. So, if I don't use it, I will stay healthy. Keep that shit away from me....unless you have really sweaty hands and want to shake.
3. I rarely use my microwave oven. I think that it adds some weird sort of radiation to food and will eventually start making people glow in the dark. (Scary shit, I know) Plus I am convinced that food heated in the oven or on the stove tastes better. I just don't understand how it is possible to naturally heat food up that quickly. It doesn't seem right.
3a. #3 goes away if I'm drunk and really want nachos. Throw some cheese on some chips and let 'er melt un-naturally for about 35-40 seconds.
4. My radio dial is always tuned to country music (preferably the old stuff) please don't change the dial, I might lose my cool on you.
5. I know every single word to the movie Top Gun, Bridget Jones Diary, and the Sir Mixalot song, Buttermilk Biscuits. That knowledge never comes in handy.
6. I could go on an on but some of my confessions already make me sound like a weirdo and we all know I'm cool as shit.
Finally #7.....what this little blog post today is all about: ....I can't stand it when people make excuses, it drives me crazy......BUT......I do it ALL THE TIME. When it comes to being healthy and exercising, I am an excuse making machine.
I am all about routine. If I'm in a routine, I can stick to just about anything I put my mind to. If I say I'm going to workout 4 nights a week and cook healthy meals, I do it without a problem. If I say I am going to stick to a cleanse program, no prob....Until....I have to break from my routine, all hell breaks loose and I lose my friggin' mind.
This is where the excuses come into play....
Most of my breaks in routine come from traveling for my job. I have to travel often, and have been doing so for years, so you'd think it would be my 'routine' now, right?, I like to make up excuses about it.
Excuse #1 (all excuses are to be read in a whiny voice to get the full effect)
"I'm so tired, I'm just going to watch cable TV and lay in bed"
#2 "Hotel gyms suck. I bottom out the treadmill."
#3 "when I'm in new places it's far too dangerous to run outside. I don't know the area, I don't want to risk it. I think I'll go to the hotel bar and talk to strangers instead."
#4. "It's impossible to eat healthy on the road. Please pass the chicken fried steak and gravy because there isn't anything else on the menu that I could possibly eat"
#5 "packing my gym shoes takes up so much space in my bag"
I could go on and on and on.
In the past 2 weeks I have been or will be in Omaha, Montana, Dallas, back to Omaha, then to Houston, then Chicago then back to Montana then Houston and back to Omaha then back to Houston.
Well hell.
That's a lot.
Because of my traveling excuses, I haven't been for a run or popped a bead of sweat in about 10 days. I'm worn out, sluggish and my pants are tight.
Until today.
I went to dinner with coworkers, came back to my room, (didn't turn on my TV) dusted off my workout clothes and headed to the gym.
To my surprise the hotel gym looked like this:
Well I'll be....Holy shit it was nice!!!!
Nicer than the gym that I go to in Omaha. I was pleasantly surprised and ran my sweet ass off for 45 minutes and sweated like crazy.
It felt good.
I feel fantastic now and know that I am going to sleep like a baby tonight! Isn't it funny how you always regret NOT working out, but you never regret actually working out (or doing something good for yourself)??
What do you guys do to keep yourself healthy on the road?
I'm going to make a zero excuses effort in the future and keep it up! Please feel free to call me out if you don't hear me talking about all of my awesome hotel workouts.
Cheers to making the most of hotel-living, pleasant surprises and no more excuses!