Happy Friday Everyone! I hope everyone is gearing up for a fun and festive Labor Day Weekend!
I've really been into reading Fashion Blogs lately and secretly wish that I was a hot fashion blogger - but am far too un-motivated to dress that nice every single day. So...I decided to start a series called 'Casual Fridays' that is dedicated to at least one specialty outfit that my friends/family, other bloggers, or that I have worn during the week.
This week - the first focus is "Construction Casual" - on a construction site we take Casual Friday very seriously (every single day of the week).
Today is "Freedom Friday" on the jobsite and it is the only day that I will actually wear a regualr t-shirt to work. We each bought this fantastic (mens sized) red t-shirt for $25 bucks (the money goes to charity and the company matched all donations) and we wear them every friday. It is really neat to see several people in the offices sporting these shirts on Friday!
Check out www.ourfallensoldier.com the focus of the organization is offer free web pages where each fallen hero can be remembered and to provide financial support for the loved ones left behind.
To stick with my 'Fashion Blogger' theme...the shoes are steel-toed Keen work boots, from Cabelas, surprisingly comfy for steel toes, but hot as shit in the summer time. Jeans are Lucky from Dillards, right now they are a little snug - luckily they are a little strectchy. Head band is blsck sequin from Brady Bands, www.bradybands.com. It DOES NOT SLIP and works fantastically underneath a hard hat! (also for a great cause - check out the website)
I have a few plans for the weekend.
1. Half Marathon Training - I have a 5 mile run on Sunday.
2. Getting highlights - not ready to embrace the gray yet.
3. Shopping - duh. I am going to head to the Outlet Malls and find some basic fall pieces to update my wardrobe.
Pinterest is full of great fall outfits and ideas right now (and always). I am loving it!
In Search of: a Chambray top! I've been wanting one for a while. Side note: I like that it is called 'chambray' instead of denim or blue jean. Classy use of a big word.
Above is my 'Pinspiration' that I was 'Pinspired' by...except I am not too sure about the skinnies.
Love the top - love the scarf - love the earrings - come to mama, little cute shoes - love it all.
Ready. Set. Shop!
Have a great Labor Day Weekend! Spend time doing what you love with the people you love! See you next week!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
'Lean In'
I often like to read funny fiction books (the kind that are easy on the mind)
I read the '50 Shades of Gray' trilogy in about 5 hot minutes and also flew through all 3 'Hunger Games' books without stopping to take a breath. Every single thing that Chelsea handler has ever written have been some of my quickest and most enlightening reads to date. That is how I roll and how my brain works most efficently.
I'm not only into toilet humor, (haha who am I kidding) I'm also a big fan of non-fiction books that are true to life or tell a story of someone's life or troubles. I really got into Polygamy books a while back (weird, I know) read 'Favorite Wife: Escape from Polygamy' by Susan Ray Schmidt and you may be hooked too. Another obsession I have is with stories of pioneer men and women on the wagon trails. I started with a book called 'These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1891-1901' by Nancy Turner. Told from diaries of a young girl on the wagon trail and the life she endures and she learns to read and write along the way. Pioneer and wild west stories have been on my reading list ever since.
More recently I read 'Wild' by Cheryl Strayed (read it, you'll love it - Oprah even recommends it) and I have a burning desire to sell everything I own and hike the remote 1,000+ Pacific Coast Trail and find myself....only a few problems, I'm scared to camp alone and my hair gets greasy after only 2 days...she went like 10 days each trek without a wash...eek. Also, I have no idea how I would lug all of the wine that my body requires up and down rugged mountain ranges. (she did get skinny though)", hmmm, I'm still thinking about it...
More recently I read 'Wild' by Cheryl Strayed (read it, you'll love it - Oprah even recommends it) and I have a burning desire to sell everything I own and hike the remote 1,000+ Pacific Coast Trail and find myself....only a few problems, I'm scared to camp alone and my hair gets greasy after only 2 days...she went like 10 days each trek without a wash...eek. Also, I have no idea how I would lug all of the wine that my body requires up and down rugged mountain ranges. (she did get skinny though)", hmmm, I'm still thinking about it...
FINALLY what inspired this post:
I might have jumped on the bandwagon a little late and just picked up a powerful book, I'm reading the book 'Lean In' by Sheryl Sandberg right now. I thought I was buying the audio book on iTunes (because I would much rather 'listen' to a boring leadership book than actually read one) I actually accidentally bought the e-book on my iPhone and have been kicking myself ever since for not getting the original hard cover while I am squinting to read it on my phone.
I am 100% engrossed in this book and Sheryl Sandberg is speaking right to me. I want to highlight every single line!! Next stop Barnes and Noble (or an airport bookstore) for the hard copy and a hot pink highlighter.
So...I am only on chapter 6 and have already made so much self discovery. I think the dude sitting next to me on the plane yesterday was wondering why I keep shaking my head and saying 'um-hmm' out loud!
As a generally quiet female (until you get to know me) in a male role in a very male dominated field, this book has spoke volumes to me thus far. It is easy to read and she tells real-life stories that are inspiring and have made me look at myself in a new way.
She asks the question: "What would you do if you weren't afraid?"
The first answer that comes to me is "say whats on my mind"
So many times I - hold it in - bite my tongue - agree when I really disagree - keep the peace - keep my ideas to myself - smile and go about my day. BORING
BE A STANDOUT, Montgomery! Quit blending in so dang much. Don't be afraid.
If I am going to be the standout that I know I am, I have to learn to bust out of my comfort zone from time to time and say what's on my mind.
I hope the next several chapters are just as engaging as the first 6, I'm excited to learn more and discover myself along the way. I love a good book that motivates me, and this one is doing just that.
Ask yourself: What would you do if you weren't afraid?
It's a great question.
What would I do, you ask?
Don't mind me - I'll be over here Twerking with Miley.
To be honest - I do have some underwear that fit like that.
Make the most of your day and do think about what you would do if you werent afraid! Thank you Sheryl Sanberg for writing such a great book and being an inspiration!
Monday, August 26, 2013
Selfie Sunday - on a hike
Sunday is easliy my favorite day of the week. It's only downfall is the next day is Monday. So....I went ahead and took Monday off today.
The weather is usually nice - the sun shines - and it is a great day for relaxing, reflecting and just enjoying yourself.
This past Sunday my main squeeze and I went on a back country hike. It kicked my ass, but was so worth it.
This is what my view looked like for most of the hike. He goes about 10x faster than me, especially uphill! I try not to complain because he carries everything for me, which is nice. Our hike was 'off the grid'. (It really means - scouting out Elk Hunting areas) It also meant that selecting my running shoes to wear for the day was not my best idea. Everything poked through and my feet really hurt - especially on the down hill trek. Oops. ALSO running shorts weren't the smartest thing to wear either. All of that brush scratched the shit out of my legs. No mini skirts for this girl for a while.
All of that buckle brush did a number on my legs.
Just in case you were worried - I got a chance to take a selfie! See that hole behind me? That was an old mine shaft in the side of the mountain. It was pretty neat. Also I have no idea how the hell the miners got up there in the old days and dug a mine shaft by hand! It was all I could do just to walk up there - let alone dig a shaft.(heh heh, I said shaft)
The views were beautiful! Central Montana is the prettiest place on earth if I do say so myself. The fires out West made it a little hazy - but you could still see for miles!
Have a great week! Do something nice for yourself this week! Cheers to making the most of it!
The weather is usually nice - the sun shines - and it is a great day for relaxing, reflecting and just enjoying yourself.
This past Sunday my main squeeze and I went on a back country hike. It kicked my ass, but was so worth it.
This is what my view looked like for most of the hike. He goes about 10x faster than me, especially uphill! I try not to complain because he carries everything for me, which is nice. Our hike was 'off the grid'. (It really means - scouting out Elk Hunting areas) It also meant that selecting my running shoes to wear for the day was not my best idea. Everything poked through and my feet really hurt - especially on the down hill trek. Oops. ALSO running shorts weren't the smartest thing to wear either. All of that brush scratched the shit out of my legs. No mini skirts for this girl for a while.
All of that buckle brush did a number on my legs.
Just in case you were worried - I got a chance to take a selfie! See that hole behind me? That was an old mine shaft in the side of the mountain. It was pretty neat. Also I have no idea how the hell the miners got up there in the old days and dug a mine shaft by hand! It was all I could do just to walk up there - let alone dig a shaft.
The views were beautiful! Central Montana is the prettiest place on earth if I do say so myself. The fires out West made it a little hazy - but you could still see for miles!
Have a great week! Do something nice for yourself this week! Cheers to making the most of it!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Cast ern Skillet
For those of you who talk to me in real life - you have may already heard how much I LOVE MY CAST IRON SKILLET!
I cook in that thing almost every single day!
So - 10 Reasons that you need to get one of these beauties.
1. It's American made - of Iron. (I'm not sure that all are made in the USA, so make sure to double check) It is always good to support the U S of A when purchasing products.
2. You can scratch the shit out of it with a metal spatula without ruining it or worrying about ingesting some weird plastic non-stick stuff.
3. It's NONSTICK. If seasoned correctly. There are several different ways to 'season' a cast iron skillet - just take a look on Pinterest. I rubbed a thin layer of lard (yes, I said lard) all over it and baked it for a few hours at 250 degrees. It works.
4. You can use it as a grill if you live in an apartment on the 2nd floor where grills aren't allowed and everything you own is in storage 1,000 miles away including your grill.
5. You don't need soap to clean.
6. You can cook on the cooktop and then throw in the oven. (be careful because the handle gets HOT)
7. You can cook anything from desserts to steak to eggs to pancakes in this thing.
8. Can't really think of anything else....maybe it would make a good door stop....
9. Still can't think of anything else - except I really liked buying lard and have re-seasoned it a few times.
10. You feel like an old cowpoke on the range when you cook on it.
This past weekend I made a recipe from the 'Tasty Kitchen Blog' called Greek Roasted Shrimp with Olives and Feta and it was delish! You can subscribe to that blog on www.tastykitchen.com
It turned out really good - definitely check out that website if you have a chance. She posts a TON of great recipes. Most are not super healthy (as in low fat - primal - paleo - clean, etc) but all are SUPER GOOD! I can usually find a way to change them up to suit my eating needs. (for example this one above was all clean ingredients and I skipped the bread crumbs that it called for)
Zee porka chopa. We had a Pork Chop in NYC at the Tribecca Grill that I absolutely cannot stop thinking about. So...I tried to re-create it the other night. It wasn't nearly as good, but look at these big sumbitches! I went into a meat coma that night. Best.night.of.my.life.
I've also been really into roasting beets lately. They are really hearty and good and work well on Meatless Monday.
This is just a small sampling of what I have been cooking on this beauty. I dont think I have used any other of my pans in several months! I've even made a couple of desserts in this bad-boy!
Definitely worth a try! They are great and you will feel all rustic and outdoorsy-like when you cook with one! Kind of like camping in your kitchen - without having to deal with the grizzly bears, cold, no showers, bugs, etc.
Enjoy your day!
I cook in that thing almost every single day!
So - 10 Reasons that you need to get one of these beauties.
1. It's American made - of Iron. (I'm not sure that all are made in the USA, so make sure to double check) It is always good to support the U S of A when purchasing products.
2. You can scratch the shit out of it with a metal spatula without ruining it or worrying about ingesting some weird plastic non-stick stuff.
3. It's NONSTICK. If seasoned correctly. There are several different ways to 'season' a cast iron skillet - just take a look on Pinterest. I rubbed a thin layer of lard (yes, I said lard) all over it and baked it for a few hours at 250 degrees. It works.
4. You can use it as a grill if you live in an apartment on the 2nd floor where grills aren't allowed and everything you own is in storage 1,000 miles away including your grill.
5. You don't need soap to clean.
6. You can cook on the cooktop and then throw in the oven. (be careful because the handle gets HOT)
7. You can cook anything from desserts to steak to eggs to pancakes in this thing.
8. Can't really think of anything else....maybe it would make a good door stop....
9. Still can't think of anything else - except I really liked buying lard and have re-seasoned it a few times.
10. You feel like an old cowpoke on the range when you cook on it.
This past weekend I made a recipe from the 'Tasty Kitchen Blog' called Greek Roasted Shrimp with Olives and Feta and it was delish! You can subscribe to that blog on www.tastykitchen.com
It turned out really good - definitely check out that website if you have a chance. She posts a TON of great recipes. Most are not super healthy (as in low fat - primal - paleo - clean, etc) but all are SUPER GOOD! I can usually find a way to change them up to suit my eating needs. (for example this one above was all clean ingredients and I skipped the bread crumbs that it called for)
Zee porka chopa. We had a Pork Chop in NYC at the Tribecca Grill that I absolutely cannot stop thinking about. So...I tried to re-create it the other night. It wasn't nearly as good, but look at these big sumbitches! I went into a meat coma that night. Best.night.of.my.life.
I've also been really into roasting beets lately. They are really hearty and good and work well on Meatless Monday.
This is just a small sampling of what I have been cooking on this beauty. I dont think I have used any other of my pans in several months! I've even made a couple of desserts in this bad-boy!
Definitely worth a try! They are great and you will feel all rustic and outdoorsy-like when you cook with one! Kind of like camping in your kitchen - without having to deal with the grizzly bears, cold, no showers, bugs, etc.
Enjoy your day!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Sweaty Selfie Sunday!!
Hey HEY hey!! Guess what day it is?????
It's my favorite day of the week - Selfie Sunday! Time to showcase your best self portraits!
I'm going to start with my 'I wish I was a Fashion Blogger' Selfie! Today started out great with a nice trip to church in a cute new dress. The weather was beautiful outside and I am a big fan of Sunday Mornings! Going to church and reflecting and praising makes it even better!
I got the dress at Loft. If you are a shopper at all, I highly suggest subscribing to Loft's email list. They send you all of the great deals. For example: everything in the store was 40% off yesterday - I would have never known without the email notification. It makes impulse shopping MUCH MUCH more cost effective. (shoes and necklace are both totally last last season)
Let's talk about this weekend and why the sweaty selfie came to be. I went to a Rib and Blues festival in Madison, Indiana. 'Ribberfest 2013' was awesome! My 2 favorite food groups came together - Beer and Ribs - with some great Blues music mixed in.
I couldn't have been happier.(just ask that weird vein on my neck) The ribs go hand in hand with my Primal 30 challenge, but the Bud Light is questionable. I am going to go with the 80/20 rule that 'Marks Daily Apple' mentions several times in the Primal Living guidelines.
My crap eating yesterday led to this today:
Have you tried the Nike Running App? If you are a runner and like to keep track of where you been, your miles, how you felt, etc, this is a great app. It keeps your pace and even helps you reach your goals. Best of all - It's FREE!!
738 calories probably only equals one rib - but I am not going to let that get them best of me. 5.76 miles in the Kentucky humidity on a gal who is filled to the brim with BBQ and Bud Light looks like this when it's over:
One hot mess.
What do you re-fuel with? I like chocolate milk every now and then, but only about 1/3 of the bottle. It tastes so good when you are about to keel over from a long run! It is completely NOT PRIMAL - again, I defer to the 80/20 rule.
Cheers to Praise and Worship - Beer - BBQ - and Long Runs! I hope you enjoy your Sundays as much as I do. Have a great week and make the most of every little challenge that comes your way!
It's my favorite day of the week - Selfie Sunday! Time to showcase your best self portraits!
I'm going to start with my 'I wish I was a Fashion Blogger' Selfie! Today started out great with a nice trip to church in a cute new dress. The weather was beautiful outside and I am a big fan of Sunday Mornings! Going to church and reflecting and praising makes it even better!
I got the dress at Loft. If you are a shopper at all, I highly suggest subscribing to Loft's email list. They send you all of the great deals. For example: everything in the store was 40% off yesterday - I would have never known without the email notification. It makes impulse shopping MUCH MUCH more cost effective. (shoes and necklace are both totally last last season)
I couldn't have been happier.
My crap eating yesterday led to this today:
Have you tried the Nike Running App? If you are a runner and like to keep track of where you been, your miles, how you felt, etc, this is a great app. It keeps your pace and even helps you reach your goals. Best of all - It's FREE!!
738 calories probably only equals one rib - but I am not going to let that get them best of me. 5.76 miles in the Kentucky humidity on a gal who is filled to the brim with BBQ and Bud Light looks like this when it's over:
What do you re-fuel with? I like chocolate milk every now and then, but only about 1/3 of the bottle. It tastes so good when you are about to keel over from a long run! It is completely NOT PRIMAL - again, I defer to the 80/20 rule.
Cheers to Praise and Worship - Beer - BBQ - and Long Runs! I hope you enjoy your Sundays as much as I do. Have a great week and make the most of every little challenge that comes your way!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
My New Layout
So, my blog has been under construction and has a shiny new design layout. Pretty nice, huh? I am hoping that my very slow non-computer savvy mind will be able to navigate this one a little easier. PLUS I hope it is easier on the eyes.
I really like it - nice and simple.
I have moved all of my posts here but can't figure out how to transfer all of my pictures back in the posts. ugh! Kind of a pain, but I will work through it. 
OK - shiz is getting real. I signed up for the San Antonio Rock n' Roll Half Marathon AND am taking the 30-day Primal Challenge. I do better with my health & fitness if I have something to work towards or a schedule...so here goes.
I think this is the 6th half marathon that I have ran and I am looking forward to it. I start training the last week of August, but am already running my arse off. I have been trying to get a little faster and have been suceeding. Hopefully I will be able to keep it up over several miles.
Here is the training program I use and have used in the past. It has worked well for me and I wanted to share it.
Stretch &
Strengthen |
3 m run
5 x 400 5-K pace
3 m run +
strength |
3 m run
5 m run
Stretch &
Strengthen |
3 m run
30 min tempo
3 m run +
strength |
3 m pace
6 m run
Stretch &
Strengthen |
3.5 m run
6 x 400 5-K pace
3 m run +
strength |
5-K Race
Stretch &
Strengthen |
3.5 m run
35 min tempo
3 m run +
strength |
3 m run
7 m run
Stretch &
Strengthen |
4 m run
7 x 400 5-K pace
3 m run +
strength |
3 m pace
8 m run
Stretch &
Strengthen |
4 m run
40 min tempo
3 m run +
strength |
Rest or easy run
10-K Race
Stretch &
Strengthen |
4.5 m run
8 x 400 5-K pace
3 m run +
strength |
4 m pace
9 m run
Stretch &
Strengthen |
4.5 m run
40 min tempo
3 m run +
strength |
5 m pace
10 m run
Stretch &
Strengthen |
5 m run
9 x 400 5-K pace
3 m run +
strength |
Rest or easy run
15-K Race
Stretch &
Strengthen |
5 m run
45 min tempo
3 m run +
strength |
5 m pace
11 m run
Stretch &
Strengthen |
5 m run
10 x 400 5-K pace
3 m run +
strength |
3 m pace
12 m run
Stretch &
Strengthen |
4 m run
30 min tempo
2 m run
Half Marathon
Cheers to shuffle jogging and jiggle running! Happy Thursday y'all!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Under Construction
This site is currently under construction with Hubby Jack Blog Designs.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your patience.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Selfee Sunday!
Well - I have some bad news for yous guys.
Yesterday was Sunday and I totally forgot to take a Selfie!
Weird, huh?
I looked really cute too! I rarely miss out on an opportunity to take a picture of myself. I'm not sure what is going on with me. ;) I also read that selfies are only acceptable on fashion blogs, that doesn't seem right at all.
Don't worry - I have some on reserve that I have been saving up.
You know how I love Bathroom Selfies?!(because I spend A LOT of time in there) Well this week is quite a treat, I have 2!
[caption id="attachment_190" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
Standard NYC Public Bathroom Selfie[/caption]
First off is a never-before experienced (by me) Selfie - taken in a disgusting NYC bathroom from when I was there last week. Yuck. I really like how the sign underneath says "Wash Hands". Like that really matters in that shit hole. There needs to be a sign in there that says "Hey drunk girl - NEVER TOUCH YOUR ASS TO THIS TOILET SEAT - no matter how tired your legs get"
Secondly, some of my male friends are joining me on this Selfie Discovery journey and I am so excited!
Although - I am 100% unsure of what they were doing together in the bathroom with robes on....and when I asked, I was told: None of your damn business.
[caption id="attachment_192" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
Arm over the shoulder - seems akward, but sincere.[/caption]
These guys are really masters of the bathroom selfie. They got the whole countertop in there, as well as a few toiletries and that little light-up mirror that they have in hotels that I really want and need in my house! Good work gents and I am excited to see more from you, I think you have a lot of potential.

Cheers to keeping humor in your life EVERY.SINGLE.DAY and Make the most of it!
Yesterday was Sunday and I totally forgot to take a Selfie!
Weird, huh?
I looked really cute too! I rarely miss out on an opportunity to take a picture of myself. I'm not sure what is going on with me. ;) I also read that selfies are only acceptable on fashion blogs, that doesn't seem right at all.
Don't worry - I have some on reserve that I have been saving up.
You know how I love Bathroom Selfies?!
[caption id="attachment_190" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
First off is a never-before experienced (by me) Selfie - taken in a disgusting NYC bathroom from when I was there last week. Yuck. I really like how the sign underneath says "Wash Hands". Like that really matters in that shit hole. There needs to be a sign in there that says "Hey drunk girl - NEVER TOUCH YOUR ASS TO THIS TOILET SEAT - no matter how tired your legs get"
Secondly, some of my male friends are joining me on this Selfie Discovery journey and I am so excited!
Although - I am 100% unsure of what they were doing together in the bathroom with robes on....and when I asked, I was told: None of your damn business.
[caption id="attachment_192" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
These guys are really masters of the bathroom selfie. They got the whole countertop in there, as well as a few toiletries and that little light-up mirror that they have in hotels that I really want and need in my house! Good work gents and I am excited to see more from you, I think you have a lot of potential.
Cheers to keeping humor in your life EVERY.SINGLE.DAY and Make the most of it!
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