Sunday, June 30, 2013
Selfie Sunday...this time on Sunday
I have really been enjoying Sundays since I have been in Kentucky. Main Reason - I DON'T HAVE TO WORK. 2nd reason - I get to dress up and go to church! I spend my week in workboots, jeans, and polo shirts, and I don't really have much of a social life, so it is really nice to get all dressed up. ;)
[caption id="attachment_78" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Whoever invented Spanx wasn't from the South[/caption]
Today was a hot and humid day - so Spanx were out of the question. I wore my best pair of very scary stomach-holding-in-panties to make up for it. I apologize to the good people of the Carrollton United Methodist Church fo my biscuit butt. The Dress is from Banana Republic and I love it. It is sort of like thick t-shirt material. I have started to love that store! This shopaholic had never really given it the time of day until recently. The shoes are from Dillards and gave me a nasty blister on my 4 block walk. Man, they are cute though.
Church was really nice today - it reminds me so much of my hometown Methodist Church and the people are so nice, I can feel my Gramma with me each time I go. It's nice. Today's sermon was about "Why bad things happen to good people". *side note* I have really been trying to listen hard and learn from sermons. Historically my mind starts to wander about 5 minutes it hasn't been easy. Today we read Luke 9:51-62 which is way easier to understand when the pastor explains it. Basically, we have to remember that God has a greater plan for us. It won't always be easy and we will not always be able to understand it, but we have to put our faith in him. I often think of my Grandparents when we talk about "when bad things happen to good people". I saw how my Grandmother never questioned her faith throughout the tragedies her family was faced with and I need to remind myself of her, how she handled it, and that God has a greater plan for us.
OK - shiz is getting deep up in here. Have a great Sunday and take a bad Selfie - it will make you smile!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
'Selfie' Sunday
First - the definition of a 'Selfie' (taken from an article on by Chris Gayomali)
1. It's a picture with your face in it.
2. You took the photo yourself. Another human being was not involved.
3. It is shared on the internet — Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or whatever
In the same article he goes on to say that 'Selfies' are off limits for anyone over 21! What the heck? He does make an exception - fashion bloggers - models - and anyone else who makes a living off of there appearance is exempt. PHEW! Obviously my construction occupation falls under this exemption.
The Urban Dictionary Defines a Selfie as a "picture taken of yourself that is planned to be uploaded to Facebook, Myspace or any other sort of social networking website. You can usually see the person's arm holding out the camera in which case you can clearly tell that this person does not have any friends to take pictures of them..."
Now, here is MY definition:
1. Must be taken with a phone
2. Must be of poor quality
3. May be something or someone in the background
4. Can be taken in front of the mirror OR of self
5. Always take a selfie with the intent to text/email/upload
6. Must have a caption
7. Duck lips, peace signs, trying to look like it isn't a selfie - are all acceptable options.
I will close with a recent selfie - more to tips to follow in next week's 'Selfie Sunday'
[caption id="attachment_68" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Kisses and Hugs![/caption]
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Pinterest Success!
I don't know about you - but - I LOVE PINTEREST! I can get lost in it for hours and easily waste part of a work day searching for new recipes, exercises, hair styles, DIY Projects - the list goes on and on.
I find myself pinning all sorts of 'stuff' but never doing anything with it.
I am changing all that.
I am going to try to make or do at least one thing from Pinterest every
SO - I just finished the Isagenix 9 Day cleanse. The last 2 days were liquid only days and they can be challenging. I lost 5 lbs and am pleased with the quick results! Now for the hard part - maintaining.
Back to Pinterest.
I am a huge fan of breakfast! Especially on weekends - I love to get up early (around 9), brew a pot of coffee, and make a good breakfast. Today for my first 'fork and knife' meal (that's what, we, in the Isagenix biz, call eating regular meals) I made little egg bakes that I saw on Pinterest.
Chop up onions, green and red peppers, tomatoes and feta cheese and mix them with 3 beaten eggs. Spray the muffin tin with non-stick spray & pour the egg mixture in evenly in both cups. Bake at 375 for about 20 minutes. (or until you think they are done)
Pinterest Success!
For my first fork and knife meal in 2 days, they tasted great and were healthy and I will definitely make them again.
UNTIL...I decided to go for a walk downtown to the Farmers Market after devouring them in about 2 minutes....
Did I mention that I had been on a liquid cleanse for the past 2 days?
My body wasn't sure what to do and I found myself in a major 'code brown' situation a good 10 minute walk from home. Not good, not good at all.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Making the Most of it
I was talking on the phone to my sister earlier and let her know my delima...and she simply reminded me of the name of the blog. 'Making the most of it' Every.Single.Day.
Duh, she is so wise sometimes.
What did I make the most of today? I would like to say - EVERYTHING - but I didn't. I got stressed out at work a few times and came un-glued once or twice. (I need to stop doing that) I did get a lot done though - I learned about the Pressure Vessel Codes in the state of KY, how 480V SWGR works (ok, I really didn't learn that one, I just listened to people talking about it and still don't get it) I went for a jog and kicked ass on the 2nd mile. (9 minutes is superfast for Slo-Mo here)
To top it all off, I am on Day #8 of the Isagenix 9 Day Cleanse. I definitely made the most of the all-liquid day. Today I consumed ONLY liquids and am about to eat my arm. Only one more day to go. I am hoping I can survive! I am 3 lbs down and really want to keep it off. I LOVE quick results, thank you Isagenix! Now keeping it off will be the challenge.
To keep my mind off of cheesburgers and fries and eating my arm and what not, I went for a little 2 mile jog in the Kentucky humidity tonight.
[caption id="attachment_42" align="aligncenter" width="225"] I don't always run home - but when I do - I run down the middle of the street![/caption]
Ok - so maybe I just was in the middle of the street for a second - only to take the picture - then I got right back over to the side where I belong.
Cheers to making the most of it and cleanses!
Note to self: Make more of an effort to 'make the most of it' - live by your mantra.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Tabatas and Meatless Monday
I am on a journey to fit myself into a size 8!
So it begins:
[caption id="attachment_24" align="aligncenter" width="225"] The very secret formula.[/caption]
I'm in a size 10 right now - a very tight size 10...but that is all the motivation I need! I am on my way to single digits! As far as the secret formula goes, I AM doing the Isagenix 9-day cleanse right now. Isagenix is awesome and a great way to kickstart weight loss and good health, send me a message if you want to know more and I am happy to share. I am just barely getting into essential oils and ordered the 'slim and sassy' from DoTerra. You are supposed to drop 8 or so drops into your water every day and like magic, the weight just falls off! (just kidding, it is supposed to help with appetite and metabolism) I haven't acquired a taste yet and keep forgetting to put it in my water. I do like the way it smells though.
OK, lets get down to business. Meatless Monday. Say.What.???
A while back on Pinterest, I read Bob Harper's rules to being skinny and for some reason that one stuck out at me. Ever since, I have been trying to have 'meatless mondays' every week. UNLESS...someone invites me to a steak dinner - there is usually NO WAY I would turn that down.
[caption id="attachment_26" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The Rules - I don't want to be 'skinny' - so I haven't gotten too carried away..[/caption]
Anyway, I think his rules are pretty straight forward and somewhat easy to follow. The guy is on TV, so he has to know what he is talking about, right? I've been trying to keep them in mind on my journey to a healthier lifestyle (and a size 8). One slight problem...I tend to focus on #20 more often than the others. Not good,
So back to 'meatless monday'. I made a beet, argula, and feta cheese salad with fig balsamic vinegar. It turned out to be pretty good. I really like beets. I know they taste a little like dirt, but I love how they fill you up. (the greens are also really good if you haven't tried them). I am also think it is awesome how if you eat too many - you pee red. Freaks me out a little every time. I also marinated some cucumbers and onions in apple cider vinegar with a little salt and pepper over the weekend....they were excellent! I remember my Gramma making 'refigerator pickles' in the summer and they tasted very similar. (obvi - Gramma's were better)
[caption id="attachment_25" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Meatless Monday[/caption]
On to Tabatas - I made the mile jog over to the park and...
[caption id="attachment_27" align="aligncenter" width="200"] These are Butt Kickers[/caption]
A Tabata is doing an exercise at a high intensity for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest - and then you repeat the insanity! We had to improvise a little tonight, because we weren't sure what some of the exercises were (hot and colds?)...AND we only made it through #4, we did each 4 times through, I was dripping with sweat and I am going to be complaining about how sore I am tomorrow - good times. All in all, they are a great workout and you can do them just about anywhere.
Finally: how to do a burpee & good night. (Rule #18, I am going to bed hungry because I had meatless monday, well played Bob, well played.)
[caption id="attachment_28" align="aligncenter" width="300"] There is an athlete inside all of us.[/caption]
Sunday, June 16, 2013
My First Post
Domain Names - Private Servers - FTP Servers - SQL's, etc and I am pretty confused. What the what? I had no idea. Plus - all the reading gave me a bad headache. I thought I could just type. One thing that I can tell you is that my domain name is and that is where I am going to start this new hobby. Thanks for joining me and I am excited to hear from you!
I started reading blogs several months ago when a friend from work introduced me to them. Ever since, I have been hooked on a couple of good ones and have really enjoyed reading them. Then a friend from HS started writing one and I was inspired....
I am writing about - 'Making the Most of it'. I try to do this in all aspects of my life. I can tell you that I have a hard time of 'making the most' of every single thing - I kick and scream a lot, but for the most part, things always work out and having a positive outlook always helps. Months ago, I was thinking about what to blog about so I did what I usually do....I made a list: (and it sat on my shelf for about 4 months) here it is.
[caption id="attachment_8" align="aligncenter" width="225"] I should have added 'shopping' to the list too, I am really good at it.[/caption]
In general, I want to try new things and be a better more well-rounded person - little by little...OR just blog about shopping, purses, celebs, gossip, running, binge eating and fad diets. (just a few of my favorite things)
Setting all of that aside, I decided to start off with writing a short letter - to my 6th Grade Self. 2013 marks the 100th anniversary of Roy, MT. My Mom was the High School Science Teacher in Roy for 3 years and I spent 6th-8th grade there. When I was a 6th-grader in Mr. Underwood's 5th and 6th grade class, we created a time-capsule for the 75th anniversary that was to be opened in 25 years - at the 100th anniversary. This is what I put in the time capsule and was pulled out this weekend. This is what inspired me to start writing this today:
[caption id="attachment_9" align="aligncenter" width="225"] LOVE mix tapes![/caption]
Dear Krys,
First off, good call on the mix tape, I can't think of anything better to put in a time-capsule! I am although a little concerned with your music choices. Guns and Roses and Poison both offer very adult content - so much that you will probably still be listening to them and not fully understanding in your mid-30's. Other than that - I know you don't know what iTunes are (we wont get into it) but I recently downloaded Belinda Carlisle a few months ago. You are wise beyond your years.
Some advice for you:
- Keep being exactly who you are. Don't ever change for anyone.
- Keep smiling and laughing, it will get you through a lot in your life.
- In 7th grade when you really want that haircut that is shorter on the sides and longer in the back...DON'T DO IT. It's called a 'Mullet' and it is really hard to grow out and it looked awful on you.
- Also get ready. In 7th grade - start wearing a bra! I know they are incomfortable and hot - but you don't need to play basketball without one on. Ever.
- You're not as fat as you think you are, you are just a little chunky, you will grow out of it by the end of 7th grade and will spend the rest of your life wanting your 8th grade body back. That's the last time this ass has seen a size 6.
- Don't quit 4-H, it isn't a big deal not to go to the State Fair.
- Hug your Mom a lot more, she's not so bad. YOur 36 year old self would probably love to have someone like her as a friend. Quit talking back so much! Learn everything you can from her. Be really patient when she is teaching you how to sew or about geologic rock formations, you won't remember any of them. While you are at it, maybe ask her about the 'birds and the bees' because it is a really akward conversation with Gramma a few years later that you never quite finish.
Your brother is not going to be mad at you forever for cutting his bangs with dull scissors...really crooked. (I mean, really crooked) Why on earth did Mom let me do it anyway?? He will try to beat you up for the next few weeks though. Give him some extra hugs too and be ok with the person he is - let him be himself and cherish his uniqueness, that is what you are going to miss most.
- Let your sister share your clothes with you, it isn't a huge deal and definitely not worth fighting over all through high school and beyond. Also, it's ok to play barbies with her, even though you don't like to play them that much. And why on earth do you always make the Michael Jackson doll be the stepdad? Accept her creativity and don't fight it - she will be your best friend some day.
I am really proud of you and everything that you have done in the 6th grade! You're a fun girl with a lot ahead of you. Don't settle for an B's - you know you just have to try a little harder for an A. It's OK to actually do homework. You are going to make a lot of new friends in the next few years and there are a lot of changes headed your way. Take them all in stride, life is short, make the most of
Love, Big Krys