Domain Names - Private Servers - FTP Servers - SQL's, etc and I am pretty confused. What the what? I had no idea. Plus - all the reading gave me a bad headache. I thought I could just type. One thing that I can tell you is that my domain name is and that is where I am going to start this new hobby. Thanks for joining me and I am excited to hear from you!
I started reading blogs several months ago when a friend from work introduced me to them. Ever since, I have been hooked on a couple of good ones and have really enjoyed reading them. Then a friend from HS started writing one and I was inspired....
I am writing about - 'Making the Most of it'. I try to do this in all aspects of my life. I can tell you that I have a hard time of 'making the most' of every single thing - I kick and scream a lot, but for the most part, things always work out and having a positive outlook always helps. Months ago, I was thinking about what to blog about so I did what I usually do....I made a list: (and it sat on my shelf for about 4 months) here it is.
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In general, I want to try new things and be a better more well-rounded person - little by little...OR just blog about shopping, purses, celebs, gossip, running, binge eating and fad diets. (just a few of my favorite things)
Setting all of that aside, I decided to start off with writing a short letter - to my 6th Grade Self. 2013 marks the 100th anniversary of Roy, MT. My Mom was the High School Science Teacher in Roy for 3 years and I spent 6th-8th grade there. When I was a 6th-grader in Mr. Underwood's 5th and 6th grade class, we created a time-capsule for the 75th anniversary that was to be opened in 25 years - at the 100th anniversary. This is what I put in the time capsule and was pulled out this weekend. This is what inspired me to start writing this today:
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Dear Krys,
First off, good call on the mix tape, I can't think of anything better to put in a time-capsule! I am although a little concerned with your music choices. Guns and Roses and Poison both offer very adult content - so much that you will probably still be listening to them and not fully understanding in your mid-30's. Other than that - I know you don't know what iTunes are (we wont get into it) but I recently downloaded Belinda Carlisle a few months ago. You are wise beyond your years.
Some advice for you:
- Keep being exactly who you are. Don't ever change for anyone.
- Keep smiling and laughing, it will get you through a lot in your life.
- In 7th grade when you really want that haircut that is shorter on the sides and longer in the back...DON'T DO IT. It's called a 'Mullet' and it is really hard to grow out and it looked awful on you.
- Also get ready. In 7th grade - start wearing a bra! I know they are incomfortable and hot - but you don't need to play basketball without one on. Ever.
- You're not as fat as you think you are, you are just a little chunky, you will grow out of it by the end of 7th grade and will spend the rest of your life wanting your 8th grade body back. That's the last time this ass has seen a size 6.
- Don't quit 4-H, it isn't a big deal not to go to the State Fair.
- Hug your Mom a lot more, she's not so bad. YOur 36 year old self would probably love to have someone like her as a friend. Quit talking back so much! Learn everything you can from her. Be really patient when she is teaching you how to sew or about geologic rock formations, you won't remember any of them. While you are at it, maybe ask her about the 'birds and the bees' because it is a really akward conversation with Gramma a few years later that you never quite finish.
Your brother is not going to be mad at you forever for cutting his bangs with dull scissors...really crooked. (I mean, really crooked) Why on earth did Mom let me do it anyway?? He will try to beat you up for the next few weeks though. Give him some extra hugs too and be ok with the person he is - let him be himself and cherish his uniqueness, that is what you are going to miss most.
- Let your sister share your clothes with you, it isn't a huge deal and definitely not worth fighting over all through high school and beyond. Also, it's ok to play barbies with her, even though you don't like to play them that much. And why on earth do you always make the Michael Jackson doll be the stepdad? Accept her creativity and don't fight it - she will be your best friend some day.
I am really proud of you and everything that you have done in the 6th grade! You're a fun girl with a lot ahead of you. Don't settle for an B's - you know you just have to try a little harder for an A. It's OK to actually do homework. You are going to make a lot of new friends in the next few years and there are a lot of changes headed your way. Take them all in stride, life is short, make the most of
Love, Big Krys
I love the idea of writing your 6th grade self a letter. It's the next best thing until a time machine is invented to prevent that awkward event involving the cute guy on the school bus. You are one of the funniest people I know and I can't wait to tag along on your blogging adventures! I have a feeling if we had known each other in 6th grade we would have been besties nodding our pitiful trendy hair cuts to our love of awesome 80s rock music mix tapes.
ReplyDeleteHow do I subscribe to this wonderful blog?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how to subscribe. I will see if I can figure it out. xoxo
ReplyDeleteDear Big Krys, (Referring to your letter from "Big Kris"... no pun I swear) :-)
ReplyDeleteCan you write to my 6th Grade Self and tell her some of these things. I actually have a LIST. Better yet, I think I will now write a letter to my two toddlers so they can read it when they are in 6th grade and maybe be inspired. No one knows what lies ahead... Thanks for the inspiration and the positive blog before bed.
That's a great idea to write a letter to your kiddos! THanks for reading! I am hoping this blog thing will get better and better!! Have a good night - Love you!!