I have really been enjoying Sundays since I have been in Kentucky. Main Reason - I DON'T HAVE TO WORK. 2nd reason - I get to dress up and go to church! I spend my week in workboots, jeans, and polo shirts, and I don't really have much of a social life, so it is really nice to get all dressed up. ;)
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Today was a hot and humid day - so Spanx were out of the question. I wore my best pair of very scary stomach-holding-in-panties to make up for it. I apologize to the good people of the Carrollton United Methodist Church fo my biscuit butt. The Dress is from Banana Republic and I love it. It is sort of like thick t-shirt material. I have started to love that store! This shopaholic had never really given it the time of day until recently. The shoes are from Dillards and gave me a nasty blister on my 4 block walk. Man, they are cute though.
Church was really nice today - it reminds me so much of my hometown Methodist Church and the people are so nice, I can feel my Gramma with me each time I go. It's nice. Today's sermon was about "Why bad things happen to good people". *side note* I have really been trying to listen hard and learn from sermons. Historically my mind starts to wander about 5 minutes in...so it hasn't been easy. Today we read Luke 9:51-62 which is way easier to understand when the pastor explains it. Basically, we have to remember that God has a greater plan for us. It won't always be easy and we will not always be able to understand it, but we have to put our faith in him. I often think of my Grandparents when we talk about "when bad things happen to good people". I saw how my Grandmother never questioned her faith throughout the tragedies her family was faced with and I need to remind myself of her, how she handled it, and that God has a greater plan for us.
OK - shiz is getting deep up in here. Have a great Sunday and take a bad Selfie - it will make you smile!
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