I am on a journey to fit myself into a size 8!
So it begins:
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I'm in a size 10 right now - a very tight size 10...but that is all the motivation I need! I am on my way to single digits! As far as the secret formula goes, I AM doing the Isagenix 9-day cleanse right now. Isagenix is awesome and a great way to kickstart weight loss and good health, send me a message if you want to know more and I am happy to share. I am just barely getting into essential oils and ordered the 'slim and sassy' from DoTerra. You are supposed to drop 8 or so drops into your water every day and like magic, the weight just falls off! (just kidding, it is supposed to help with appetite and metabolism) I haven't acquired a taste yet and keep forgetting to put it in my water. I do like the way it smells though.
OK, lets get down to business. Meatless Monday. Say.What.???
A while back on Pinterest, I read Bob Harper's rules to being skinny and for some reason that one stuck out at me. Ever since, I have been trying to have 'meatless mondays' every week. UNLESS...someone invites me to a steak dinner - there is usually NO WAY I would turn that down.
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Anyway, I think his rules are pretty straight forward and somewhat easy to follow. The guy is on TV, so he has to know what he is talking about, right? I've been trying to keep them in mind on my journey to a healthier lifestyle (and a size 8). One slight problem...I tend to focus on #20 more often than the others. Not good,
So back to 'meatless monday'. I made a beet, argula, and feta cheese salad with fig balsamic vinegar. It turned out to be pretty good. I really like beets. I know they taste a little like dirt, but I love how they fill you up. (the greens are also really good if you haven't tried them). I am also think it is awesome how if you eat too many - you pee red. Freaks me out a little every time. I also marinated some cucumbers and onions in apple cider vinegar with a little salt and pepper over the weekend....they were excellent! I remember my Gramma making 'refigerator pickles' in the summer and they tasted very similar. (obvi - Gramma's were better)
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On to Tabatas - I made the mile jog over to the park and...
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A Tabata is doing an exercise at a high intensity for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest - and then you repeat the insanity! We had to improvise a little tonight, because we weren't sure what some of the exercises were (hot and colds?)...AND we only made it through #4, we did each 4 times through, I was dripping with sweat and I am going to be complaining about how sore I am tomorrow - good times. All in all, they are a great workout and you can do them just about anywhere.
Finally: how to do a burpee & good night. (Rule #18, I am going to bed hungry because I had meatless monday, well played Bob, well played.)
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